Thursday, November 15, 2012

Speaking Strategies

1. The first rule of improving speaking skills is to speak, converse, talk, gab, etc. as much as you can!

2. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Try to understand why you consistently make a certain kind of error.

3. Try to think in English. Practice silently in the foreign language.

4. Improve your pronunciation. Listen carefully and repeat aloud after your teacher or a native speaker. Make a list of words that give you pronunciation trouble, and practice them.

5. Use whatever you know to get your message across. Paraphrase, use synonyms, use gestures to express your ideas, and use hesitation fillers. Let your listener know you are thinking. Use fillers like well, let's see, you know, etc.

6. Imitate the rhythm and intonation of the language you are studying.

7. Increase awareness of how you speak through the use of audio and videotaping.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Writing Strategies

1. Use what you know. Use familiar words, phrases, and sentence patterns you have learnt or seen in target language texts.

2. Avoid excessive reliance on the dictionary.If you have to look up a half-dozen words to write a ten-word sentence, there is a high  possibility  that the sentence will not be comprehensive.

3. Check your grammar. Sometimes grammar mistakes can make your writing difficult to understand, for example, if you use past tense instead of future.

4. Learn punctuation rules and apply them.

5. Plan, revise and have someone else look at your writing. Writing does not begin or end with one draft. Revise at all levels.

6. Imitate. Imitate native speakers’ writing. For instance, in writing a response to a personal note, look at the format, the way in which the writer of the note addressed you, how he started and ended the note, etc.

Adapted from: Rubin & Thompson (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Boston:  Heinle & Heinle.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Listening Strategies

1. Listen regularly. In addition to language tapes, make a regular effort to listen to the foreign language outside the classroom. Listen to the radio, attend lectures, and watch TV and films.

 Video Exercises:

2. Choose appropriate materials. Find materials specially prepared for teaching listening comprehension such as textbooks and videos. Then try finding authentic material such as radio and TV programs, lectures, films and plays.

Listening Comprehension Exercises: 

3.  Choose material that you will enjoy. If you are interested in sports, watch sports on TV or listen to sports reports. If you enjoy comedies, watch them in the foreign language.


The Big Bang Theory

Adapted from: Rubin & Thompson (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Boston:  Heinle & Heinle.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 6th - Homework

Hi dear students,

I hope you are having an excellent weekend.

This is your homework for our next class (November 6th)

This Tuesday you will become senators for a day in order to sponsor a new bill.

Your objective is to write an argumentative paragraph drafting a new bill to improve the quality of life in our country. For example, “High school students should receive free condoms every week to prevent teen pregnancy”. You can come up with serious proposals or with crazy ones; the most important thing is to be prepared to support your ideas with strong arguments. (Print a copy for me please)

That day, the Senate will debate and vote on the new bills.

Have a wonderful weekend.
