September 25th - 27th - Activities

Dear students,

This week, I won't be able to be with you; however, I prepared some activities so you can keep preparing yourself to apply for a scholarship:


1. Watch this video on how to be successful at job interviews. 

2. Then read this article Scholarship Interview Tips.

3. Write a paragraph pointing out the main ideas from the video and the text and post it in the comment box below.


These are two tips to improve your English pronunciation:

1. Work out which sounds cause you most problems in English. 

2. Imitate the rhythm and intonation of the language you are studying.

This is an excellent website where you can practice by putting in practice these strategies:

1. Watch the video.

2.  Practice your pronunciation by speaking all words. For this exercise you will need a microphone.


1. Finish your application and save it in flash drive or send it to you email and bring it next class. (October 2nd)

2. Listening exercise. (October 3rd)

Enjoy all activities!!!


  1. The video refers to how prepare a good job interview. Then, the video shows a list of things about this topic. The first advice is research company; the second one refers to prepare a short speech about your self; the third concern in be able to explain and have a short story about everything on your resume; the fourth is look up common questions. Now, the text gives a tips to prepare a scholarship interview. The text mention tips to be prepared to the interview, how to show your best bearings about you, how to answer questions and finally, the text explain characteristics of successful interviews. Some points to highlight about this topic refers to be relax and be yourself. Indeed, is important to feeling that you are winner.

  2. The video and the text have the same topic: how to have a good interview; both give us tips in order to achieve success. The video is about Toastmaster's tips, which are very easy to follow: know about the organization, about yourself and about your resume. It is represented with the starring of a glassed-boy who is preparating and taking an interview. On the other hand, the text is wider and focused in students. It tell us similar things, but also says that is very important to be calmed, to be yourself and to be ready for answering unpredictable questions. These are good guides for people who want to have a better perfomance during an interview.

  3. The video and the reading talk about how we can have a good interview, so the principal idea that i realiced is that the interviewer looks for a integral person so we can prepare for an interview doing somethings like: reading a lot, practicing an speech about yourself, learning about the program that you aspire, learning how to handle the nervs and how to ask an analytical question and the most important thing being confident and relaxed. Another important thing is that the interwiew becomes a conversation betwen the interviewer and the applicant.

  4. 4 Tips for presenting a good interview!
    1. Know about the Company: you should research about the company which you will present the interview, is very important to know about the mision, vision, locations ...Because the first questions the interviewer will ask are related with that.
    2.Do a short speech about yourself:In this part isn´t important to talk about details your past, for example where you borned, where lived....
    you should highlight your best points and emphasize in your goals. For example the interviewer will ask "why is the reason for applying in this position"
    3.Know your Resume:Is very necesary and important to know your resume because in this part is contained all your life, your studies, skills, strengths, and goals. then you should know every detail about your resume. For example the interviewer will say "Tell me more about this work o this course".
    4. Look up common questions: Is helpful prepare common questions. you can find any questions in internet easily. Some more tough than other.For example the interviewer will ask " Why should I hire you?..Are you a team player?

  5. Tips to excel in a job interview.
    1. Is very important to know about the company, because they will do questions like: why do you want to work here? Or, what is it about this company that you like? So then, you should research about the company, what they do and the company’s culture, etc.
    2. The second step is have prepared a short speech about yourself, because they wants to know about yourself. But don’t tell them about where you grew up; they aren’t interested about these things. This is the time to highlight yourself and tell them why you deserve this job.
    3. Is important to know your resume, because is possible that they want to know more about some things that you did, like your studies, jobs or your skills and strengths.
    4. In the interviews there is a common questions that are hard, like what does leadership means to you? Or they ask you too that tell them a moment that you had a problem and how do you did to overpass this problem and what do you learned. For this reason is important to look up online the tough interview questions.

  6. the main idea about the video and the text are related. the video provides you four advices about how to be successful at job interviews, like research the company; prepare a little speech about yourself, but trying to say the things that you think the interviewer needs to know; also that we should look up common questions to practice about how can we answer that. On the other hand, the text give us some ideas, and even situations that you could have in the interview, and advice us too, about how can we proceed; for example that we should invent questions and try to answer it. the idea is try to relax, trying to be sincere, and that will give us confidence, because in my opinion is better when you know what you're talking about. so, if you do not know something you should say the truth.

  7. The video is about how to ace in a interview, giving us some tips, or advices about the interviews, like know about the company, be prepared for every type of question, know about your resume, and know what is what the interviewer want to know about you, about your experience, and about that things tnat you can do in the company. Is also important to be sincere, show that you take adavantage of the opportunities, that you can be a great leader, and mainly that if they give you the opportunity of be part of the company you can contribute a lot of things like knowledge and strategies. In resum, you need to be prepared, have researched, and have crystal clear what is your purpose.

  8. Gustavo Angarita

    It's kind of late but...
    the video is about tips on how to have a successful interview (in this case it was an interview for a job but the information can be applied to university entrance interviews too). Basicly, it suggested to practice a lot; to know about the place where you're going and why you want to go there; to make sure you know what's written in your own C. V. and highlight your strong points, not irrelevant stuff.

  9. To have a good interview need to know about the place where it is to submit, ask questions about what we want and expect, make sure to review information provided by the scholarship, must be well prepared and safe when talking, make activities for know what makes you nervous, do mock interviews, stay informed about recent developments and more in the area of field you want to carry out. Have an adequate personal presentation, smile and make eye contact help be a good candidate. Is important to say what you think and not what they want to hear.
