Fulbright Scholarship 2

October 2nd

There are many writing strategies we could use to improve this skill; however, today we will be working on some of the most useful to help our classmates improve their applications:

1.    Have someone else look at your writing. Many people do not see their own mistakes.

2. Check your grammar. Sometimes grammar mistakes can make your writing difficult to understand, for example, if you use past tense instead of future. Review what you have written for grammatical accuracy.  Check with someone if you are not sure. (GRAMMAR)

3. Use what you know. Use familiar words, phrases, and sentence patterns you have learnt or seen in target language texts. They are more likely to be understood. (COHERENCE)

4.  Avoid excessive reliance on the dictionary. If you have to look up a half-dozen words to write a ten-word sentence, there is a high  possibility  that the sentence will not be comprehensive. Every time you look up a word in a dictionary, you run the risk of picking the wrong one. (ACCURACY - SPELLING)

5. Learn punctuation rules and apply them.  (PUNCTUATION)      

Adapted from: Rubin & Thompson (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Boston:  Heinle & Heinle.
Peer reviewing exercise:

In pairs, exchange your applications and check your classmate's grammar,  coherence, accuracy, spelling, and punctuation. Then write an overall comment to give feedback to your classmate. 

October 3rd 

10 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions 

Personal Life

1. What do you like to do in your free time?

2. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?


3. Why did you choose this university?

4. What do you expect about this program?


5. Can you tell us about your academic background?

6. Have you received any academic honors or prizes? Which one?

Occupational Experience

7. Have you ever participated in a project or a research group?

8. What did you learn from that experience?

Future Plans

9. Would you like to continue your studies?

10. How do you see yourself in the next years?

Remember to practice for your interview. Click 
HERE to practice your pronunciation.


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